Friday, July 24, 2009

Welcome to Beer Breath!!!

Hello everyone!

I have been meaning to start a blog for sometime... however, I have been busy/lazy and haven't gotten around to doing it. Today, I had the divine inspiration to begin my blog! Hooray!

Since I love to travel, many people have encouraged me to write about my experiences... I have given it some thought... and a bit more thought... and a bit more... and seeing as I "haven't gotten around to" writing about that yet, I have decided that it is not my calling. Moreover, there are so damn many blogs about travel. In keeping with the spirit of travel and exploration, I came up with a brilliant idea! After all, I wanted something different... something cool... something refreshing... When I think about cool and refreshing, only one thing comes to mind...

As you may guess by the name of this blog, I'm talking about beer. YES... BEER! I love it. (BTW, if you aren't 21... please stop reading now.)

Although I am not exactly sure how this blog will look in the end, I foresee that I will write about beer in a variety of ways. Of course, I plan to research and try a lot of different kinds of beers... then, I'll tell you what I think about them. I also may talk about drinking establishments... likes, dislikes, specials, etc. As I mentioned before, I love to travel, and have therefore partaken of beer in several countries. That might be another branch of this blog. Reviewing brewery tours is another approach that I may try. Lastly, I have had some rather crazy beer related experiences over the years, so perhaps, I'll share some of those too.

I must make a brief disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on beer. I just love the stuff! I fully realize that by writing about it, I am opening myself up to a great deal of criticism. Beer is a controversial subject (along the same lines as religion or politics.) Everyone has their opinion and personal taste.

My goal in writing this blog is to share my passion for beer with other folks. I also hope to learn a lot, not only through research and tasting, but also through feedback from others who have tried a particular beer or who recommend a particular pub. Please share your thoughts at any time!

That said, I think I am ready to take a big gulp and get this baby started! Without further ado...

"Beer Breath"


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