Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mr. Beer

I suck at blogging these days. There are a few reasons why. Number one: I took from January 1st to February 1st off of drinking... just a personal thing. I usually do this "fast" once a year. Number two: I guess two jobs and graduate school are large time commitment... Number three: After completing an average of 4 writing assignments a week (three of which are online), the last thing I want to do is hop online again to write yet ANOTHER thing.


Oh well, at least there is still beer to be drunk!

My big day back in the drinking thing, February 1st, was also special because it was my birthday! Hooray for being 26! This year I got a re-gifted gift... lame? NO! AWESOME!!!

For Christmas, my father's employees got him something they were sure he would love... he is, after all, a beer lover. Their big mistake: He only loves MGD light. Indeed, he drinks beer nearly everyday, but he is as loyal as they come to his brew of choice. That said, I am the proud owner of my very own Mr. Beer Home Brewing Kit!
Now I know what you are thinking... those cheapo beer kits are heaps of crap. And they probably are. However, as a first-time, just-getting-into-it home brewer, I am very grateful for the simplicity of this thing. As the box says "We've taken the science out of brewing a great tasting beer at home." In case you didn't know, I'm a linguist... not a scientist. I hope that this may be my gateway to bigger and better home brewing technologies...

Anyway, I am excited, (about as excited as the dude in the picture on the box above!) I haven't started my first batch yet... I hope to begin a week from Friday when I have a day off of work (which never happens.) I'll be sure to keep y'all posted on the results!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the obsession! I too thought this was a little campy, but I am converted. The main difference between this and the fancy kits is size, 5 instead of 2 gallons. You can brew whatever you want with Mr. Beer kits. I recommend getting on and also using the 2-2-2 method (2 weeks in the fermentor, 2 weeks conditioning, 2 week cold conditioning). Yes it takes longer, but the 1-1-1 the kit mentions produces crummy beer.
